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Experienced, focused and approachable. We are Thoma Bravo.

Choose Office:

Seth Boro

Managing Partner

Orlando Bravo

Founder and Managing Partner

Scott Crabill

Managing Partner

Lee M. Mitchell

Managing Partner

Holden Spaht

Managing Partner

Carl D. Thoma

Founder and Managing Partner

Jennifer James

Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Investor Relations & Marketing

Jerry Nowak

Managing Director, Chief Administrative and Legal Officer

Amy Coleman Redenbaugh

Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer

A.J. Rohde

Senior Partner

Jessica Aguilar

Executive Assistant

Tony Akers

Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer and Technology Operations

Andrew Almeida


Cristina Amalia

Coordinator, Event Operations

Gage Anderson

Associate, Service Desk

Rahel Ayalew

Director, Investor Relations

Noah Baer

Associate, Valuation

Jared Barchus

Vice President, Communications and Marketing

Alok Basani

Vice President

Lindsay Batlowski

Executive Assistant

Catherine Beall

Vice President

Donna Riley Bebb

Senior Director, Head of ESG

Francis Bekx


Jade Bellcourt

Vice President, Human Resources

Lauren Benn

Office Assistant

Ali Bennett


Deven Bhatt

Senior Associate

Dillon Biddiscombe

Vice President

Lea Bishko

Chief of Staff, Office of Carl Thoma

Sami Blum

Senior Associate, Investor Relations

Daniel Blunt


Ivo G. Bojanov

Manager, Accounting

Madison Bolich

Administrative Assistant

Matt Bonistalli

Senior Associate, Accounting

Haley Bornstein

Executive Assistant

Ryan Boyce


Katie Brennan

Senior Vice President, Controller - Firm

Catie Burkhart


Lauren Burley

Senior Vice President, IT Solutions

Julie Burns

Assistant Vice President, Accounting

Antonio Canales


Kristi Cassidy

Executive Assistant

Carl Chan


Alex Chapman

Assistant Vice President, Tax and Accounting

Jenny Chong

Manager, Accounting

Gabriela Collins

Executive Assistant

Scott Conquest

Senior Vice President, Controller - Credit and Growth Funds

Meghan Creed

Senior Associate, Accounting

Clare Cremin

Assistant Vice President, Communications and Marketing

Kimberly Crittenden

Senior Associate, Payroll

Alexis Czaja

Director, Human Resources

Beth Davis

Associate, Compliance

Alli Deri

Executive Assistant

Dylan Despot

Senior Vice President

Ross Devor


Alexander Diaz

Senior Associate, Service Desk

Daniel Diaz

Manager, Accounting

Dan Dimaano

Senior Associate, Service Desk

Danielle W. Dixon


Natalie Doak

Treasury Manager

Caroline Dolan

Coordinator, Event Operations

Payton Donnan

Senior Associate, Valuation

Eric Doolittle


Tricia Douglas

Assistant Vice President, Accounting

Will Downing

Vice President

Brandon Dudley

Associate, Service Desk

Brian Dunford

Senior Vice President, Head of Valuation

Dariusz Dziurdzik

Vice President, Tax and Accounting

Amanda Eisenga

Manager, Tax and Accounting

Grant Elgarten

Senior Associate

Peter Feldstein

Vice President, Capital Markets

Kevin Feng

Senior Associate, Valuation

James Fisher

Vice President

Carly Flerlage

Lead Executive Assistant, Finance

Michael Forrest

Vice President

Saneshia Foster

Vice President, Tax and Accounting

Brendan Fox


Megan Frank

Managing Director, Head of Communications and Marketing

Etham Frenkel

Vice President

Tara Gadgil


Collin Gallagher

Senior Vice President

Matt Galloway


Mohnish Gandhi

Vice President

Nick Garas

Associate, Capital Markets

Marco Garcia

Senior Associate, Service Desk

Chandler Gay

Vice President

Matt Gilbert

Managing Director, Capital Markets

Matthew Gilman

Associate, Accounting

Amanda Gonzalez

People Operations Manager, Miami

Joe Grady

Vice President

Sylvia Griego

Chief of Staff, Office of Orlando Bravo

Shazia Haji

Associate, Investor Relations

Nabil Hamade

Vice President

Alyson Hanks

Executive Assistant

Christy Hart

Associate, Human Resources

Keaton Hart

Senior Associate

Crystal Hayes

Associate, Investor Relations

Hayley Hegwood

Senior Paralegal

Jon Heidenberg

Senior Associate

Irina Hemmers


Noah Henderson

Vice President

Niveen Hennein

Assistant Vice President, IT Solutions

Peter Hernandez

Senior Vice President

Molly Herrenbruck

Coordinator, Communications and Marketing

Mike Hoffmann


Kellie Hoverter

Senior Coordinator, Investor Relations

Caitlin Howard

Vice President, Tax and Accounting

Eric Hu

Senior Associate

Alisha Huang


Shari Huisman

Managing Director, Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Jamie Hutter


Joanna Hylton

Senior Vice President, Controller - Europe

George Jaber


Matt Jacobs

Senior Associate

Brian Jaffee


Arush Jain

Senior Associate

Saniya Jamil

Managing Director, Investor Relations and Head of EMEA

Clifford Jeanlouis

Associate, Service Desk

Christopher Jiménez Lopez

Senior Associate, Service Desk

Jennifer Joseph

Executive Assistant

Sajal Karki

Senior Associate

Maria Kendrick

Executive Assistant

Kevin Kim

Assistant Vice President, Valuation

Adam Kinalski


Emma Kirkland

Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Faizan Khan

Vice President, Service Desk

Uday Khanna


Caroline Kjorlien

Vice President

Tomas Kopczynski


Veronica Kortmann

Executive Assistant, Investor Relations

Sameer Kumar

Senior Associate

Paul Li

Senior Vice President, Controller - Buyout Funds

Christhopher Lind

Associate, Service Desk

Matt LoSardo


Andy Lueke

Senior Vice President, Head of Tax

Steph Madaus

Senior Associate

Isabelle Maestas

Analyst, Investor Relations

Charles Maher

Associate, Valuation

Mark Maier

Director, Chief Technology Officer

Anthony Marquez

Vice President

Kerri Marroquin

Office Assistant

Sacha May

Senior Vice President

Monica McAtee

Executive Assistant

Adam McIntosh

Vice President, Accounting and Operations

Lauren McLaughlin

People Operations Manager, Chicago

Valerie McPhail

Executive Assistant

Erwin Mock

Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets

Sarah Monroe

Senior Associate, Data and Analytics

Brittany Montalbo

Executive Assistant

Liz Munoz

Senior Associate, Accounting

Kathy Nalepka

Assistant Vice President, Valuation

Roberto Nazario

Vice President, Performance Reporting and Analytics

Matthew Negron

Vice President, Investor Relations

Grant Nelson

Associate, Valuation

Laura Ng


Morgan Nonweiler

Office & Administrative Assistant

Ele O’Brien

Senior Associate, People Analytics

Brian Ocoro

Senior Associate, Accounting

Sean O'Keefe

Senior Associate, Investor Relations

Colleen O'Kelly

Vice President, Senior Counsel

Laura Olliffe

Executive Assistant

Hannah O'Sullivan


Alex Park


Brian Paskas

Vice President

Beth Paul

Office Manager, London

RJ Perciavalle

Senior Associate

Kristy Pike

Senior Vice President, Controller - Buyout Funds

Jordan Polk


Sandra Popovic

Vice President, Credit Operations

Carl Press


Colin Prince


Maddie Prister

Senior Associate

Keerthi Puvvada


Kristel Ramos

Senior Associate, Accounting

Ben Revivo

Manager, Accounting

Arthur Rietdyk

Vice President

Madeline Riordan


Marisol Rios

Analyst, Accounting

Charlie Rittner

Senior Associate, Credit Operations

Kate Rodgers

Senior Associate, ESG

McKenzie Rose

Senior Coordinator, Investor Relations

Sophie Ross

Administrative Assistant

Joe Rzeszutko

Senior Engineer, Infrastructure

Ryan Saavedra

Senior Associate

Leigh Salzman

Executive Assistant

Daniel Savage

Manager, Accounting

Robert (Tre) Sayle


Ryan Scheffler

Vice President

Steven Schwab

Senior Director, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer

Charles Shaffer


Paige Shiring


Annie Siu

Vice President, Accounting and Operations

Will Slagel

Associate, Accounting

Hudson Smith


Adam Solomon


Candice Sorbera

Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

George Sotelo


Marcin Spik

Vice President, Tax and Accounting

Kevin Stark

Senior Engineer, Infrastructure

Peter Stefanski


Liam Stewart

Manager, Valuation

Ned Sullivan

Senior Associate, Capital Markets

Marcus Sweeney

Associate, Strategy

Asha Tapper

Office Manager & Executive Assistant

Harrison Thomas


Oliver Thym


Victoria Tite

Office Manager

Bianca Trabanino

Associate, Talent

Valeria Trint

Office Assistant

David Tse


Amilcar Vega

Senior Associate, Accounting

Chip Virnig


Jennifer Wade

Senior Vice President, Communications and Marketing

Max Werner

Assistant Vice President, Assistant Controller - Firm

Robbie Williams


Kaleigh Wilson

Vice President, Investor Relations

Calvin Works

Senior Associate

Cook Wylly


Joshua Xu


Jasmine Yang

Senior Associate

Elizabeth Yates

Managing Director, Investor Relations and Head of Americas

Inès Yefsah

Senior Associate

Eliza Young

Vice President, Communications and Marketing

Sam Yules

Vice President

Alexandra Zhang


Sarah Zhao


Erik Akopiantz

Operating Partner

Gene Austin

Operating Partner

Marcel Bernard

Senior Operating Partner

Mark Bishof

Operating Partner

Pete Boyes

Operating Partner

Tom Clark

Operating Partner

Cynthia Crane

Operating Advisor

Tom Davis

Technology Partner

Gary Fry

Operating Partner

Kiely George

Operating Advisor

Vito Giuliani

Operating Partner

Charles Goodman

Operating Partner

Jim Hagan

Operating Partner

Bob Hausmann

Operating Partner

John Kim

Operating Advisor

Jay Larson

Operating Partner

James K. Lines

Senior Operating Partner

Mike Lipps

Operating Partner

Joel Martins

Operating Advisor

G. William McKinzie

Operating Partner

Richard Northing

Operating Advisor

Steve Pace

Operating Advisor

Anthony Palladino

Operating Partner

Don Siegel

Operating Advisor

Rich Snipes

Technology Partner

Paul Statham

Operating Advisor

Adam Thier

Operating Advisor

Nicolaas Vlok

Operating Partner

David Weiss

Operating Partner

Kristin Nimsger Weston

Operating Partner

* Senior Operating Partners, Operating Partners, Technology Partners, and Operating Advisors are independent contractors that are advisors to Thoma Bravo and portfolio companies of Thoma Bravo, and are neither employees nor affiliates of Thoma Bravo entities.